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BY Greenwide Ltd 26 November 2015 Building Contractor’s Secret

Apart from the space required, a one floor bungalow has lots of advantages over a storey building. Let us take a look at a couple of them

Lighter foundation: The weight of a floor bungalow is far less to a storey building, hence you’ll require far less materials during construction to that of a storey building.

Fewer columns/pillars in the house: Depending on the design of the building, and the nature of soil, you may not need concrete columns in a floor bungalow. For most storey buildings you will need it to help transmit load from upper floor to the soil.

Lower risk: The bungalow has far simpler electrical than the storey buildings which have more complex electrical works which can also lead to fire incidence if there are defects. In emergency, you are already on the ground floor, you can jump through the window and you also have closer access to the external door which will help you to move out of the building quickly.

Easier Maintenance: Plumbing pipes, electrical installations and the building generally are easier to maintain when it is only a floor bungalow. You can easily remove and replace plumbing pipes, unlike a multi-storey building that may have pipes embedded in concrete.

Ease of Expansion: Bungalows can be easily expanded as long as there is adequate land for for the expansion. Expansion for storey buildings can however be quite complex, you need a lot of engineering input and cost for expansion.

Cost of Construction: From the professional fee, labour costs will be far higher in case of a storey building compared to a  bungalow. Consider the materials that will be used in construction of a storey building like scaffolds, iron rods, wood , cement e.t.c, in higher quantities to a  bungalow.

Ease of Movement: Carrying materials, furnitures etc in and out a storey building can be difficult. For the aged, climbing stairs could be a daunting task with the possibilities of falling and getting injured in a stairway

No disturbance from the floor above: Banging/stamping/pounding on the floor upstairs may cause discomfort to occupants downstairs but this can’t be possible for a bungalow.

Higher buildings will also block a proportion of air and sun from getting into closer lower buildings. Storey buildings can also have psychological effects on lower surrounding buildings, it gives feeling of someone looking down on people at lower level. Storey buildings can also block clear views of people enjoying the landscape of an area.

Regulations: You are charged more for approval of a storey building by the town planning authority, also storey buildings are not allowed close to airports

Have you got any more advantages for a bungalow? Perhaps you consider a storey building better than a bungalow, please join the conversation in the comment boxes below.

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