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A criminal attack against you or your family can take place at any post, as can a fire or other disaster. However, you can influence what happens to you by assuming more responsibility for your own security.
Poverty, corruption, unemployment and lack of proper education represent the major causes of insecurity in any society today. These conditions usually co-occur and this co-occurrence is associated with increased risks and poorer outcomes for the affected society. It is hard to find a country without one security threat or another, just as it is hard to find a state that can completely eradicate all threats to its security.
Since many of us cannot afford advanced sophisticated security gadgets, we need to ‘do the needful’ in other to protect ourselves and our properties. That is the essence of this article. I will be sharing nuggets of information that will help us to stay safe. Now to the nitty gritty:

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1. Ensure doors to your apartments are locked/bolted even when you and your family members are indoors. Invest in good burglary proofs for your doors and windows. If possible (I know it’s impossible sometimes), have a good rapport with your neighbors. They will keep an eye on your property and you will also reciprocate them. A kind of informal neighborhood watch or advisable you buy a house from Greenwide limited, a company that takes the issue of protecting lives and property as their paramount objective in their construction projects.

2. Be wary of letting your domestic staff- drivers, gardeners, cooks, etc be privy to your travel plans far ahead of your departure dates. Of course it is exigent you do a vigorous background check on any of these people before you bring them onboard. Only let VERY close family members know of your travel itinerary: where you are going to and your possible arrival date. You may have to program one of your close relatives phone number or that of your personal Security Consultant, as an emergency number or a speed dial such that you can swiftly dial that number without much ado if you find yourself in a tight corner. Lagos state has an emergency number (112 and 767). One wishes Nigeria has a Nationwide Emergency Number as is the case in most advanced countries. Anyway, just dial your preset emergency number even if you may not be able to talk, the good thing is that whoever is at the other end can eavesdrop and be in the know of what is goings-on around you. This can also help investigators extrapolate or decipher your last location through the GPS coordinate of the last GSM mast that relayed your call.

3. Fire disasters are of the earlier incident that took place at the popular shopping mall (Eba-no supermarket) in Lekki Phase1, Lagos are pretty much common during dry seasons (harmattan). A while ago, a petrol tanker was said to have exploded somewhere in Apapa, Lagos state with attendant casualties. Motorists and safety conscious home owners are hereby implored to invest in fire extinguishers. Fire/smoke alarms are also affordable these days. Ensure you unplug all electrical devices from the socket if you will be going out.

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4. Ensure your residence and surroundings are sufficiently illuminated. Unfortunately 247 electricity supply cannot be guaranteed in most parts of Nigeria but there is a way around this. The advent of solar panels and inverters can assist generate saved power and automatically distribute once there is power outage. Endeavor to position floodlights at those strategic corners of your home at night and make sure they are steadily powered.

Greenwide limited has a refined knowledge of these security challenges and as such to that extent, we have indeed develop a master plan that will address these looming security challenges from the conceptual design process of our construction works/projects.

Hope these tips will go a long way in protecting your lives and property.

Don’t forget to checkout our projects as we will gladly give you a tour of our site and our activities of risk mitigation and plans put in place to address insecurity.


Yours Truly,

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